
What makes Panama special?

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I need this for a project, plz help me out here!!! Also include how i can cite this information!! THX!! :)




  1. It is the only passage from atlantic to pacific, otherwise, ships have to go around waaay south at the tip of south america then come back up.

  2. Panama is a great country, so it's special!, you can base your answer by this tips:

    Cosmopolitan city, it's a country were you can be in the Pacific Ocean in the morning having breakfast, and having dinner in the Atlantic Ocean.

    Have the Canal, that makes it a country dedicated to service, also a Free Zone, where you can buy cheap.

    The beaches are great, warm, and there's son almost everyday of the year..

    if you want more information.. you can ask,

  3. Panama is a wonderful place. It's beautiful. I know because I grew up there. It has one of the few remaining tropical rainforests left boasting many endangered species. For more information that you can "cite" try and There's some really good info on their websites.

  4. I can give you a site that might be helpful on what you are requesting.

    The site is

    On that site you put your flag for your language and it will explain everything and more of what are you looking for.

    Hope this helps!

    Good Luck!

  5. That when Panama signed their independence, not one panamanian was present.

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