
What makes Putin and Russian think they can invade another country?

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and effectuate a regime change???

why are they being allowed to get away with this...and why isn't the United States and Bush doing something about it?




  1. What do you think Bush will do?

    Bush is seen as a clown on the world stage and no one takes him seriously.

    How can Bush possibly tell Putin he cannot invade another country and effect a regime change when Bush did precisely that in Iraq. At least Putin can say Georgia made the first move, whereas all Bush can say is that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which still haven't shown up yet.

    Why has America been allowed to get away with the Iraq war?

    Bush cannot do anything as he has stretched the American army to its limits, he has alienated the UN and after the war in Iraq he would be hard pressed to find any allies to help him take on Russia.

  2. Georgia was the instigator when they invaded the breakaway province and killed Russian troops in the process.

  3. how would you stop them?  

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