
What makes Spain a great country?

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Hey, I'm doing a school project and I need to know why should anyone visit Spain? Like for example what fun activites can people do there, also what awesomes sites, places can people visit, information about the culture. I would really appreciate it and thanks in advance.




  1. I am Spanish and I can told u a lot of things that makes ma country one of the best in world to live in, one of the best to come and make sightseen... and just the one of the bestplaces in world.

    First of all we are in Europe... we the culture was born... you know greeks roman and all that stuff, so we have along long ancient culture... we have a great language... and one of the most wide spoken in world!!

    Second reason... living here is cheap... well last year i did a project about New Zealand and more o less the prices are like in New Zealand... but we have stronger value due to the euro is more used that the dolar... and now the states are bad.

    As you can see the Spanish are easy going ppl... in Spain you can see a lot of tradition and lots of art....

    Pamplona and San Fermin in 7th of July

    All the bullfighting

    The tomatina (a fight where ppl fight with tomatoes)

    The ostern

    All the museums... U have museums in all places of Spain and all of them are marvellous... The Prado Museum, The Reina Sofia Thyssen (these 3 are in Madrid) The Dali Museum

    Also we have a strong literature and the language (spanish) was born here, in Burgos, the first document in Spanish was found there... all this reasons makes Spain a wonderfull place.. and theres a lot of more but it takes me a day telling u all.

    Here you are a lot of sites with Spain info.

    Hope you can do your project.


  2. Spain is a beautiful country because of the goregous people, and the danicng is very rich there u should google it rocker.

  3. visit these sites and you'll find all about Spain:

    good luck with your project :)

  4. Hiya

    Here is so much to do in Spain people don't just visit thousands of people move to Spain every year such as myself and in the last 18 months i have not thought about returning to the UK.

    Try the website

    this sight gives you info on the popular thing to do and places to eat in spain. As activities go you have some of the most fantastic beaches in Spain, you can also hike, sail, fish, snorkeling and many many more.

    I recently went to a beautiful place called Les Fonts De L'algar which has some amazing waterfalls their website is

    The food in Spain is also very good the Spanish have the best diet using lots of olive oil on their food. Try this website, it tells you a bit about tapas and also recipes and wine which the Spanish drink a lot of

    Also the people are fantastic they are one of the friendliest nation of people i have ever met

    I hope this helps a little and good luck with your project, i recommend if ever get the chance come to Spain and see the beauty and culture first hand.

  5. Have a look at and follow the links.

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