
What makes a Great person great?

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I'm a judge in an essay contest for Black History Month and the theme is in the spirit of Dr. MLK Jr's quote, "Everyone can be great because everyone can serve". The contest is open to 7-9th graders and I was amazed at some of the answers.

Most seemed to have been heavily discussed in classes in public and parochial schools and most seem to have been about how it makes you feel. From the thousand or so I've read so far, some have hit the nail on the head and did a great job!

So, what are your beliefs in how Community Service can make you great?




  1. Great impact on the world, positive or negative, usually is considered the primary ingredient of historic greatness. Columbus bumped into a new continent (new to Europeans and all other continent besides the Americas).  Community service indicates a good person, but, as the term is usually used, has little to do with greatness, though great people may do community service, and good people may do a great job at serving.

  2. Yeah schools now a days are teaching the importance of Black History Month and all the important people of the past

    Community Service will make you a better person if your willing to help out another person, place, or thing without expecting anything in return....

    its one thing when you do Community Service just to put it on a college application or job resume

    but its a great thing when you organize your own charity or community service intended for the sole purpose of helping people out and maybe even saving the environment.

  3. judgment, morals, and most important, opportunity.

    at different times, there are situations that provide the opportunity for people to become great.

    apartheid in s. Africa.

    slavery, then segregation in the US.

    British occupation of India.

    and many many more.

    you have to have both the proper stage, and the person that is able to assume the challenge.

    however, i assume that you mean how can we tell that a someone was a Great Person.

    typically, she or he has altered the course of history.

    "how Community Service can make you great?"

    in my view, Community Service, as we typically think of it does not make a person great.

    clearly there is a problem of scale, and definition.

    Community Service can make you important within the community.

    if you want to call that "great" be my guest.

    one of the moms in our church took it upon herself to have the town, and then the county limit the use of pesticides, particulatly in areas where children play.  it took her a few years, but she has largely been successful.  certainly not a complete ban, but the county now has a paid position the function of which is to promote organic weed control, and determine which individual situations really need chemicals, and then determine which is likely to be the least toxic chemical that will accomplish the purpose.

    she has done very well, and many children will benefit from her crusade, although they'll probably never know her.

    in my view, that's a considerable accomplishment, but does not rise to the level of great.

    but then, i'm not a judge.

    have a nice day.

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