
What makes a Virgo nervous?

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What makes a Virgo nervous?




  1. really haven't met any nervous virgos.

  2. disorder

  3. as a virgo with a panic disorder i have to say almost everything but really disorganization does it for me

  4. Virgo's are perfectionist and when they start something that they feel they can not perfect then they become nervous.  Virgos are one of my favorite signs and I do not understand why they put so much pressure on themselves.

    I guess every zodiac sign can take a good characteristic to the extreme.  Overall when it comes to mastering a job there is not a zodiac sign that can do it quite like a Virgo.

  5. I am a virgo to and im nervous on heights, Speaking in front of the school,Speaking in front of the class(School) and I  get a stage fright. But thats just me :\ Imao

  6. Anyone they don't trust....

  7. Snakes?

    Pregnancy tests?

  8. Failure

  9. imperfections

  10. im a virgo and the only thing that gets me nervous is not living up anyones expectations such as if a family a member asks me to do something i will do it no if ands or buts about it and with friends too thats somehing i get very nervous if i don't fuffill it.

  11. A big test or exam.  A huge interview!!!

  12. Well im a virgo and anything that isn't routine and not by the book tends to stress me out to all h**l and back. Virgos are creatures of habit and change doesn't really work for us.

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