
What makes a Waitress Good or Bad?

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Starting a new job as a waitress in a fancy restaurant.. wanting some tips on how to do a great job!





  1. be kind too all of you customers ask them if there food is OK and weather they want anything etc ...

    actually stuff that just be your self

    good luck :)

  2. Check all of your tables, treat them like your family, Check on you table(s), ask them how there food is (Only ask once, somtimes people get upset when the waitress keeps bothering them) be friendly get them what they need, be as quick as you can, not to quick that you forget, if they order soft drinks make sure you dont mix them up if they get a re-fill,

    thats all I have to tell you so far thanks hope this helps, I know you will do fine! (:

  3. Friendly, prompt service, remembering orders.  Waiting on people in the order that they came in.  Check regularly to see if you can get anything for the customer.  If food is delayed be sure to keep the customer updated.  Always keep the drinks filled no matter what they are drinking.

  4. when they smile, clean up after you, take rude comments with a smile but they are raging inside, keep asking you if everythings ok every so often, when youve finnsihed a meal, ask if they would like the bill when they look ready to go,

    be firendly, look nice, if they can manage a good size of food to carry. apologize if something is dropped even if it wasnt your fault, when they joke around laugh, smile and thank you if they get a tip.

    Hope this helps,

    Loads of good luck in your new job!!


  5. It's about going about the job of taking care of your guest's needs in an efficient and friendly manner. For the time you are their wait person, they are the most important people on the planet. It's an attitude and a skill!

  6. Make sure you check on them good. I hear everyone say they don't like it when they sit forever without ever getting a refill on their drink. also be as nice as you can. Make sure you have a good personality. and don't let them run out of drinks or anything they can get a refill on. example I work in a italian restraunt and we serve salad and bread before the meal comes and I also make sure they have plenty of bread and if they have plenty of salad. I wouldn't worry to much into it. just be your self, very friendly and make sure they have everything they need and you should do just fine. and another thing when takeing their order after your done repeat it back to them that way you know you got it right and if their is any problems when the food comes they will know it's not your fault.

  7. A good waitress will check on her tables regularly, keep drinks filled and smile alot. Also get the order wrote down right and keep the table informed on how long until the meal will be served.

    A bad one will not come back to the table, will act as if the mistakes are all the coustmers fault even if it is the cooks or someone elses. have a bad attitude etc

  8. Smile...alot

  9. Always be nice to customers and make sure they get fast service..and always get the orders matched up with the correct people.. this way you will get good tips

  10. Smile, get drinks and appetizers,or salads quickly, offer refills, know the menu so when people ask questions you know the answer. Bring the food out when it comes up don't let it sit under the heat light those things really don't work.

  11. try to check on them like crazy and they will almost always want you tobring extra drink to them!

  12. be there before the customer's needs.

  13. when your rushed, when they don't ask if you want an appetizer, desert and no smile that's bad a good waitress smiles, ask if you need anything else, takes their time while your ordering(not rushing you)

  14. Just be nice and super friendly to everyone, and u never know whos gonna be the best tipper so dont judge people cuz Im young female and lots of waiters (especially girls) dont take time to be nice cuz they thnk I wont tip...

  15. What happens to us a lot is there is not a refill of the drink and for us, it is hard to eat without having something to drink. I always tip anyway, but it ruins the dinner.

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