
What makes a better amplifier?

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What is the difference between a high-grade amp and some sort of 1985 piece of garbage that still functions?

I just want to run some entry level turntables and two 33 inch tall speakers. Help!




  1. You'll need a pre-amp for the turntables.  The turntable tone arms can't provide enough signal to feed an amplifier.  The pre-amp provides the gain.  Many things require a pre-amp such as mics.  Some amps have a built in pre-amp but typically the number of inputs is limited.  You can buy pre-amps with 16 or more inputs and feed the output to a single amp.  


    You can't use a pre-amp alone because they don't provide speaker level outputs.   They provide a line level output to be fed into an amplifier.  

    The difference in a high-grade amp and the 1985 amp could be quality.  The 1985 amp might be a good quality amp.  Time and technology has advanced but if the 1985 equipment was good equipment I don't see why you couldn't use it.  Connect it and see how it sounds.  If it sounds good to you, you're set to go.  If not, you'll need a better amp.  



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