
What makes a better bedroom snack: chocolate syrup or nachos cheese?

by  |  earlier

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In New Zealand




  1. nacho cheese..mmmm

  2. Whichever you prefer.

  3. I would say it depends on whether you're dining alone.

  4. I was going to answer chocolate syrup but that's more of a Peru thing so I'd say nacho cheese.

  5. Whipped Cream!!! YEA

  6. cheese  



    cheese on a stick

  7. Allways chocolate!

  8. neither

    the correct answer is skeet.

  9. nacho cheese...yummy  both will be mesy though.

  10. Neither, eat some fruits

  11. Chocolate syrup sounds better because it's lighter.

  12. wait...there's a NEW zealand!? holy c**p, thats GREAT!! well, since both countries are below the equator, the flow of either snack will circle counter-clockwise, so if you're left-handed, you're in luck. that make sense?

  13. English Muffins with nacho cheese on top...

      it's stange but, why does it seem that my polar pals love nacho cheese soooooooooo dammm much?

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