
What makes a car run rich?

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under my igition is hot and on my drivers side floor is hot




  1. If too much fuel is mixed with not enough air when it goes through the carburetor. That has nothing to do with heat. The exhaust system is the hot spot.

  2. When you get too much gas and/or not enough air. Air gas mixture But it wouldn't make youe floor hot.Change your heater controls.

  3. Clean your air filter and fuel filter

  4. I don't know what kind of car you have or what would cause your ignition to get hot,but if your car is running rich it may cause your floor to get hot directly above the catalytic converter.Running rich means too much fuel is getting into the engine and not being burned.The unburned fuel goes through the catalytic converter,which tries to "clean" it,causing excess heat.

    I've seen the converters glowing bright red on cars that were left "warming up"too long and on one occasion the leaves and grass under one car caught fire.

    Is there any other signs,like running rough, lack of power, black or dark exhaust,check engine light? Best bet is to get the car looked at.

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