
What makes a cat start sneezing for no apparent reason and spreads to the other kittens in the home ?

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mother cat started sneezing about a week ago now her kittens are also sneezing show no other symptoms thus far




  1. A couple of years ago my can began sneezing all the time. We took it to the vet and he said it wasn't really anything wrong with her. He said that when our cat got stressed she started sneezing. We were remodeling out house at the time and our cat doesn't like change so we believe that this was the problem. I don't believe all the cats would have this problem but this is what happened with me.

    Hope you can figure it out!  

  2. They may have a cold. You should take them in for a check up. Good luck.

  3. Well they can pick a virus easily, they don't need to go outside. Is the cat vaccinated? If not, her and the kittens are at risk!

    You better take them all to a vet. Sneezing in a litter is often the start of cat flu, and this along with many other common viruses will kill kittens. Get this sorted NOW before it becomes more than sneezing or it could well become much harder and much more expensive to treat. Don't wait for other symptoms!!

    Please make sure mother cat gets spayed once the kittens are weaned - very important for the control of the cat population as well as disease prevalence.


    EDIT: Poor air quality is NOT the most likely reason. It would be folly to listen to that advice. The clue is that the mother cat started it, followed by the kittens.

  4. FHV or feline herpes virus

    Rhinotracheitis/calcivirus       To name a few.

    Several others...cats and kittens need to be vaccinated.  Thinking they were not and they have come down with one of several virus' that kitties can get you will need the vet to check them & prescribe something to make them better.  Don't wait too long here this is fairly common in as much as 40% of cats and needs treatment to survive.

    Other symptoms are not eating, runny eyes, nose and lethargy.

    Hope your kitties get better.

  5. Could be an upper respiratory infection, allergies or something worse. Have your cats had their shots?

  6. If their nose and eyes get runny and they quit eating and playing, take them to the vet!

    My kitten just died of the same thing, so I have to make sure your kittens live a long, happy life for her.

  7. Upper respiratory infections can cause it, but more likely its due to the bad air quality this year. My cat had to have drops for his nose because of the smog and high pollen count this year. The lack of rain hasn't gotten the stuff out of the air as well this year.

    Check with your vet, its probably allergies, but even those can threaten the life of your cat.

    In the meantime you can try cleaning the vents to your air conditioner, then run it to help filter the air. Also, clean your fans and vacuum to help cut down on the dust and irritants in the air and fabrics. It should help a little.  

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