
What makes a dancer a dancer?

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What makes a dancer a dancer?




  1. when there the best

  2. how they dance dumbass

  3. When he dance he is a dancer. When a dancer dance he is a dancer. lol

  4. passion to dance. If you dance and dont put any heart into then, youre not a 'dancer', youre just a mover. When you dance with passion, and with your soul, then youre a dancer.

  5. i'm a dancer, and i can say that because i've been on a dance team for 12 years.

    like a 'football player' isn't a football player unless he's on a team

  6. When they dance their heart out and their passion shows when they dance. ü

  7. when they know how to interpret the meaning of the song through dancing.

  8. If a person dances, then they are a dancer!

    If a person gets paid to dance, they're a professional dancer!

    If a person does the robot, they're a robot dancer!

    Now as far as if someones a good or bad dancer, that's a matter of opinion! Pop dancers may think ball-room dancers are bad, and ball room dancers may think, "crunk" dancers are bad, and crunk dancers may think people who make up their own styles are bad, but that doesn't make them right, that's just their opinion.

    A person may have been hanged as a witch for doing the "liquid pop" dancing in witch burning times, but these days they may be idolized! Public opinion is important, but doesn't necessarily decide truth.

  9. his or her passion

  10. many people believe that its simple the ability to move and look half way decent.

    But I think what makes a dancer a TRUE dancer is their passion and their willingness to achieve dreams and goals.

  11. idk...the dancer?and the dance?? lol

  12. Become one with music. Entirely.

  13. yo mama

  14. when he knows how to dance

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