
What makes a difference for tennis players on the kind of surfaces they play - like grass, clay, etc...?

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i am not a tennis player but took lessons as a kid but i don't understand why there is a big diff of play in the variety of surfaces.




  1. Come on...go and play tennis on the grass, and then come back and tell me you can't imagine what the differnce is beteween playing on  grass vs CEMENT

  2. I play tennis regulary and have played on hard courts and clay surfaces.  Grass is a very fast game, hard courts are pretty fast, but not as fast as grass, and on clay surfaces the balls slow down quite a bit and don't bounce as high.  Clay is a lot easier on your joints too.

  3. On clay, the ball bounces slower and higher, giving an advantage to topspin players like Rafa Nadal. It is harder to hit winners and easier for people to run down balls.

    Grass is the exact opposite. The ball bounces lower and faster, and slicers and big servers are gifted with an advantage. You also want to attack net on grass.

    Hard courts are like the "mid level" courts for all players. Depending on the hard court, it can be more like grass or clay. Most hard courts are different, depending on the surface.


  4. clay has spin, grass is fast so is hardcourt

  5. how fast the ball travels and how high it bounces

  6. Diffuiculty of playing.  If you are playing on grass, it would be a little harder to bounce the ball.  Also, uneven surfaces are harder to play on than smooth surfaces because it's hard to predict where the ball will go.

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