
What makes a good Powerpoint presentation? What makes it more interesting...?

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I am performing infront of the class an assignment about work experience. What can I add to it to make sure people don't die of boredom? The teacher said to make sure the audience is always awake.

I went to the police for my work by the way.




  1. Lots of good advice here. Make sure you face the audience and don't spend all the time talking to the screen (and don't read out every bullet point - guaranteed to send your audience into a coma.) If you are running it off a laptop, arrange it like lectern in front of you so you can talk confidently. (It would be good if you can see what the next slide coming up is but I have never worked out how to do that apart from printing off a paper copy). Personally I don't like too many fancy transitions or animations or sounds - they tend to be a bit corny and distract from your presentation, but I realise some folk like them (in moderation). You do need to put on a bit of a show, and the more polished you can get it the better - try to keep a consistent feel, with text appearing in similar places and so on. If you use a lot of bullet points bring them in a line at a time otherwise people will read on and not pay attention to each point, but try to make the main thrust of your presentation visual - you are there to supply the words. (Another tip - I do a lot of talks about buildings and always include a small caption on the picture in case of sudden amnesia.)

  2. dont put paragraphs, only use bullets and explain.

    use sound and animation

    transitions are also attractive

  3. Throw a little humor in there. Nothing brings a place to life like a good laugh every now and then. Walk around while presenting to keep their eyes moving. Present with energy and a smile

  4. Sounds,Colors,Cool Fonts,Cool Pictures,Cool Theme! But you have to talk with enthousiasm too :P

  5. Most important thing - NEVER read off the powerpoint. That is the dullest thing. Try to have images and bright colours, and if you put text use short keyboards and bulletpoints. Include a few jokes, don't talk for too long on each slide, and use lots of gentle slide animations (try not to make them too fast or spinny, just glidey or fading in and out or something like that). Also it helps to have animations within the slide, instead of just a new slide, a new slide, a new slide. Try and hand out notes or printoffs of the most important slides too.

  6. use nice colors and cool transtions.

  7. Where as, Cool animations and stuff make a powerpoint, it is the information. it is not the powerpoint, but the presenter that can make or break a powerpoint.

    yes, you need all those other things, but, too much distracts from the purpose.

  8. use bright and fun colors, also funny comments are good in it too. Good music is awesome to go with it. Make sure to include sweet pictures!! Have fun!! :)

  9. You should add pictures and humor, and not cram a ton of info into each slide.  I hate it when people put every word of there presentation on the slide its over whelming , slides are meant to only cover key topics in your presentation the rest should be verbal.

  10. I think:



    clip arts


  11. Colours Animations Music Not Alot Of Boring Words

  12. Get them involved. Ask them questions, let them participate. This is something that my ex teacher always told us.

    A nice background, animations and font that is easy to read also helps. Always look at your audience. ^-^

  13. i need help to learn inglish me add in

  14. Interesting and funny pictures and phrases. It can be a small little joke or a famous phrase said by people.

    1. Try to use bullets or numberings

    2. Keep the sentence short and sweet

    3. Don't ever put animations that are very slow. Cause it sort of take away all the attention

    4.Don't put sounds unless relevant.

    5.Try to use humor if possible. Also it must be related to the things you present. it will give deep impressions

    6. Make sure the color combination of your slides are not hurting to the eyes. And make sure it dont look too messy too. Having a simple background will do. Cause a picture background might make the slides messy instead of attractive.

  15. Cool, relevant pictures and sounds.

  16. Pictures are good. Tell stories. Don't use a lot of sound or animation - that just gets confusing. Keep the number of words and bullet points limited on each slide - make sure it's easily readable. But do use pictures when you can. Talk with enthusiasm!

  17. Use graphics and sounds.  You could also use music in your slides (like the theme songs from 'Cops').  The key is to make your presentation interesting so people will WANT to listen to you.  Also, don't just read off of your slides.  Put major points on the slides and them elaborate during the presentation.  People are able to read and don't need you to stand up there and do it for them.  They will either be trying to read the slides or attempt to listen to you, but will more than likely get frustrated and daydream (not pay attention).  

    I have used powerpoint numerous times, let me know if you need any more suggestions/help.  You can email me through yahoo.

  18. The rule is: less is more!

    The power point presentation is only helping YOU as a presenter get your message through in a clearer way.  Use less words and position them in a way that they can be read with one glance.  It's really annoying when your audience needs to read the text you have on a slide and listen to you at the same time... and take notes.  Use lots of bullet points and graphs, photos, etc.  During the presentation, ask your audience questions... this will keep them alert and thinking (even if you yourself answer the questions in 10 seconds)

    Remember though.... YOU are the one who should be in the spot light.  Most presentors use their PP presentation as a cover-up for poor presentation skills.  They want the audience to focus on the screen instead of them.  So use your charm and put it forward.  Power Point is just a tool for presentation - not THE presentation.

    Good luck! :)

  19. Your power point presentation should be a guide for the audience to follow and you should fill in the details verbally.  Remember to keep the presentation varied and basic.  Don't clutter it up.  It needs to be clear from a distance with minimal clutter.

  20. okay i went to business class and my teacher was da bomb! lol

    wat you need to use is

    - different colored slides


    -sound really alerts them

    -graphics that they like

    - do a huge mispelled word on your middle slides, maybe in bold so they can see it, that way they will be like instead of work experience do wack experience! they will b like haha and into it because you spelled something way out of the ordinary and your a teacher,, wich also will show that even teachers make mistakes.

    goodluck hav fun wtih this. :)

  21. make sure bullets (points) are as concise as possible

    insert cliparts and sounds to emphasize thoughts and ideas (but don't overdo it)

    present facts and graphs, insert quotes if necessary

    observe color contrast between text and background

    minimize number of lines per slide

    stay close to the display

    talk to your audience like you would on a regular conversation

    know your stuff

  22. the talker makes the presentation good, not just the power point.

    know your subject

    be enthusiastic

    dont make it too long

    be informative

    if you are are comfortable being funny, add some humour

    speak to the room, not the floor

    enjoy it, no one ever died from giving a presentation.

  23. Cool animations and backgrounds :)

  24. If you can add little video clips or animations to it (relevant - should be a lot for police) then it should go down well.

    What ever you do dont use the free sounds you get on microsoft powerpoint - they're really cheesy lol. Also dont make it change slides automatically - then you can go at your own pace.

  25. - put pictures of you at work or of the police station, etc. if you're using photos, it is best to stick to a simple background so the slide doesn't look too busy.

    - use bullet points. 3 points per slide. 5 words per point. don't put  the whole story on the powerpoint slide.  just use bullet points to remind you of the story you want to say.  tell your story.  don't make them read it.

    - make sure your fonts are large enough to see from the back of the room.

    - don't make your slides too busy.  the slides are there to stress a point or to give a visual cue. it should never distract your audience from listening to you.

    - don't use too many fonts or too many colors.  changes in fonts or colors should only be used to stress a point.

    - don't show all your bullet points at once.  make it appear as you reach that topic. that way, your listeners won't know what you're going to say ahead of time.

    - keep it up-beat.  speak naturally as if you're talking to a bunch of friends.  don't turn it into a lecture.  use anecdotes (a short story) to elaborate on your bullet points. it keeps things interesting.

    - have good eye contact with your audience. spread it around though and don't stare them down.  it's a good technique to get people to listen.  i usually use that for people who start too look sleepy - makes them pay attention cause they realize I can see them.

  26. Honestly, I have to sit through them all of the time, and none have been good to me.  Not that they weren't precise and to the point.  But every single one of them is boring.  Good luck.

  27. Add some video clips if possible.

    Don't put too much words on each slides, at least have 1 interesting photo on each.

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