
What makes a good autism support group? I plan to create and run one and wanted some suggestions. Thanks!?

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The support group will be for families of children with autism and possibly at a local school




  1. I am a special education teacher and mother of a 3yr old who is believed to be autistic/aspergers (she's being tested soon).  This all just came about 4-6 months ago, so I am at the stage right now where I am looking for information sites and support groups that can help me and my daughter.  I would suggest coping strategies, behavior accommodations, questions to ask, etc.  Let me know if you get it up and running!  Would be happy to be part of your group!!

  2. Hi Baby, The best to start is address the families on how they are coping and what needs they should start  for developing help.  ie:  therapy, speech, social activities.  Having the group at a school sounds great!  Our support groups here in L.A. county is usually held at the hospital or regional centers.  Good luck and best wishes keeping up with the growing rate of this demand.  Also, we usually attend once a month..not enough in my opinion.  It's best to have the parent or parents alone, so leave the children at home or have a room adjacent with therapist to watch while the parents attend the meetings.  :D

  3. on site babysitting so the parents can actually participate.

  4. Make sure you know what your city and or community has to offer these families in the way of resources. You need to make sure you know all the seminars, workshops, therapies, (relating to autism) that are coming to the area or  are available in your area. Make sure you update your website (if you have one) Know the ins and outs of IEP's, IDEA and other laws and regulations on disabilities. Make sure you have at least one meeting a month. Be sure to get addresses or emails of everyone who is interested in being aparrt of the group, be sure to contact them on upcoming meetings, activities, changes. Good luck I hope you have a big turn out for you support group!

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