
What makes a good citizen ?

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What makes a good citizen ?




  1. some one who helps the environment and never breaks the law.

  2. No offence, but that is a completely meaningless question.

    In the same way as 'What makes a good cloud', 'what makes a good animal' or 'what makes a good tree'.

    A citizen is a citizen by virtue of their birth or residence - there is no 'quality' criteria to apply.

    Who is supposed to be qualifed to judge the qualtiy fo a 'citizen'? Asking such a question suggests the questioner is so indoctrinated by the power of the state that they really need help - fast!

  3. Being the opposite of a politician.

  4. Polish accent.

  5. Depends on the style of government.

    Could be one who reports his parents.

    Someone who always says 'Yessur.'

    Someone who never questions 'authority' and is happy to have his every move recorded on CCTV.

    Those who understand what democracy means are becoming less and less popular and are therefore not 'good' citizens.

    Someone wrote a book about that sort of society way back in 1948, the name of the author escapes me - or maybe I'm just too afraid of the thought police to remember it.

  6. Pay all your tax's on time, never complain, do as your told, above all  vote labour.

    according to Gordonski Brownakov that is

    Id rather be burned alive

  7. You are a good citizen if you never infringe on another's right to Life, Liberty or Property.

  8. Be obedient to your parents/elders/ and the laws of the  land. e.g.wait for the green light before  you cross the road. ;-)

  9. Someone already asked this question.  You should search it up before you waste your 5 points....just saying.

  10. pale complexion

  11. Someone who is honest, hard working, pays his taxes and pays bills on time.

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