
What makes a good pet? ?

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What would a really good new pet be like?




  1. It needs to know that you are in charge obey you

  2. A good pet makes you fell happy.  A good pet makes you enjoy walking thru the door and being greeted.  Granted, cats may or may not acknowledge you but, they're fickle and entitled to that behavior.

    A good pet is one that takes to training well.  If you have a pet that doesn't, you'll have to put out the extra effort and help them become a good pet.  A good pet will respect you once you've shown it how, they aren't born to know anything but play, eat, cuddle, play, eat, cuddle, pee, pee, poo.  Learning to train in non aggressive programs yield the best results as animals will seek to please you instead of learning to please you out of fear.  My opinions here!

    If you're thinking of getting a pet, remember, some of the most loyal animals can be found at your local animal shelter, there's always an animal there waiting for someone to love them.  =)

  3. good to play, with not to smelly, nice,not to dirty

  4. it depend on are you a dog person

    or a cat person. what is it that you

    wish to take care of and love

  5. Well seeing that I got Phoenix at the pound I'd like a female for him even though he's fixed he still thinks he can. He's a Rot 110lbs  ,very good watch dog , loves to l**k faces and can't wait for  his Dad to come home to play. At the pound they actually have an area where you can play with the dogs and will tell you if they are pottie trained so he got all of his shots, fixed, flea dipped for 59.00 and i picked him up 5 days later. Never regretted one moment.

  6. Actually they did a world wide poll on this a while ago, and it was determand that most people say that Cats make the best pets, because there scientifically proven to releive stress and make you feel better.

    I'd say a cat too, because I'm always lonley, and my cat makes me feel like I'm never alone.

      When I suffered from depression, and then I got a cat, I knew that was my only cure, besides harmful medicines.

    Cats are the best!



  7. A guinea pig.

    They're lovely.

    Amy xx

  8. A pet with emotions at least, knowng their name and being able to be trained.

  9. a dog is good to have

  10. It really depends on what you want. You can't go wrong with tropical fish. For me, they are low-maintenaince and relaxing to watch. I live alone so a dog or cat when I'm out a lot would not be fair on them.

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