
What makes a great party?

by Guest58286  |  earlier

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What makes a great party?




  1. good friends , great food, fun games for everyone to paticipate in.  try to have a theme for your party like  beach party or mardi gras  have everyone bring a theme dish to pass.  music to match the theme. or just a plain old bbq in the back yard.  toss the basketball ,etc around.

    great fun conversation.  keep it lite and fun

  2. to be honest mainly has to f=do with the guest they choose whats fun

    surprising things always are fun

  3. A variety of snacks, and a theme with something to do.  Nothing is more boring than a "cocktail party" where you just mill around with a drink in your hands - I haven't accepted an invitation to one in years, because I get too bored at them

  4. music playing a little too loud

    lots of drinks and ice (whether alcoholic or not)

    lots of food

    great mix of guests

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