
What makes a heroe?

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what do you think is a heroe? how would you define them and why do you look up to them?




  1. solving problem which a lot of people tried but nobody solved

  2. A hero is someone who has a choice to walk away from helping others at risk of his own well-being, but chooses to do otherwise.  No one is forced to be a fireman or policeman; these professions are freely chosen, and that's what makes such people special.

  3. A hero is a brave man. Other descriptive words are gallantry, valor, leadership, organizer, supporter, and champion. Acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, and bravery are attributed to heroism. Appreciation causes us to honor them. This applies to both genders.

  4. having the courage to help others instead of yourself.

  5. Being terribly afraid, and then acting anyway.

    That's the simplest definition that springs to mind.

  6. The courage of Dan Quail of putting an e at the end.

  7. Selfless.
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