
What makes a love letter a good love letter?

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What makes a love letter a good love letter?




  1. Sincerity.

    Don't inhibit expressing your true feelings for this person, creatively or directly, but don't exaggerate them either. Let your mind wander-- it will take you to the things you need to say to that person. Don't censor yourself or be afraid of humiliation, just write the things that come to you most prominently.

    Also, handwriting the letter is much more personal than typing or e-mailing. It's very intimate because it's your writing, and you can put things in the envelope with the letter that will remind the person of you.

  2. One written by hand by the person themselves. On a fine paper. Maybe with perfume. Tied with a ribbon, instead of glued shut. Delivered in a memorable way, in person maybe, or some other way. The words are from the heart, and are in the person's own style and manner of writing/speaking.

  3. for a love letter (letter not poem) just tell how you feel!! Don't get too over-the-top just tell it straight out like

    "we've been friends for years and in the past few months I have begun to realize that maybe I like you as more than a friend... I think I might be in love (/or like) with you....."

  4. True feelings.  Too many times people try to make it sound poetic or try to find some profound and magnificent way of expressing their love.

    Just writing down what comes to your heart, without all the attempts at grandstanding, that is what shows in the great love letters.  It is the feeling, not the words, that make great love letters.

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