
What makes a man to fall down when is kicked in his balls?

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What makes a man to fall down when is kicked in his balls?




  1. It's a weak spot for men even a single fast bite of a dog could hurt ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Probably the same thing which makes women wince and cry out when they get their b***s slammed shut and compressed during a mammogram.

    It's a real sensitive part of the body with a lot of nerve endings.  

    If you haven't had a mammogram, go have one done and report back to us about the experience.

  3. IT HURTS!!!!  Do we really need any other reason then that!?

  4. Waves of excruciating pain and temporary paralysis travel through his body. He instinctively clutches his balls to shield them as he doubles over and may be unable to stand.

    Good female self protection target!

  5. multitude of nerve endings

  6. Hmmm, I wonder, how would you feel if your clitoris was stretched over and touched the back of your head?

  7. It's very very very painful

  8. What makes a woman fall when she is punched in her v****a?

  9. its almost like when a woman sticks a sharp knife up her v****a and cuts around leaving a bloody mess.

  10. PAIN so much pain

  11. the pain!

    it hurts SOOOOOO bad.

  12. You've asked this question FIVE times.  It hurts like h**l.   We fall down.  What is it that you really want?  

  13. Is force from he (man's) peter-poker. Much as is similar to man is kicked in his peter-popper.

  14. From my experience i would say the pain.

  15. the pain?

  16. They're technically INTERNAL organs.  Ridiculously vulnerable, if u ask me!  I'd hate to have to worry abt protecting those dangling things all the time!

  17. what makes a woman scream during child birth

  18. The same thing that would put YOU on the floor if I hauled off and kicked you right in YOUR crotch with my steel toed boots!

    What is it with you GIRLS being so obsessed with kicking guys in the crotch.  I read where one 7th grade girl was DARED by her inbred, ignorant friends to kick a 9th grader in the crotch.  She kicked him so hard, he wet himself, soiled himself and vomited while she and her friends and others stood around and laughed at him.

    His parents had her arrested for assault and battery!  That stupid cow!  She should have been horse whipped!  

  19. I don't think I need to make the above answers any more clearer.

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