
What makes a person become a hater? Seriously, they seem to be everywhere!?

by Guest62087  |  earlier

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I never quite understood the mentality of people who are jealous of what others have. It's like instead of trying to improve their own lives they waste all their time making excuses, blaming others, and trying to drag everyone else down to their level. WTF?




  1. Yea!!  I don't get them!  It is their own insecurities!

    You should see how many emails I get from randoms girls!!  There will always be haters!!

    To Herman- Boy with no face I KNOW I am all THAT and More than a bag of Chettos!!

  2. Hi hater! Hi hater! Hi hater! You see me hustle hard. Stack paper. Hi hater!

  3. as long as somebody makin it good there always somebody hatin on em.

  4. They will always be there--it's best to accept them drinking their HATER-AID and be happy you aren't one! :P

  5. It's because they are miserable and discontent with their lives and feel like they need to bring others down. They think that it will make them feel better, but in the end it never works. I know what you mean though, it really can be very annoying and frusterating. I myself am in a very happy relationship and I have to HIDE that fact from people because they get jealous and seem to resent me for it. It's so frusterating! I have to act like I'm not happy just to keep people from getting jealous and hating on me. -_-

  6. Live & let live I say. If people want to hate me, then at least they are giving some one else a bit of a rest.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  7. Unfortunately, that's how life is portrayed today, in the movies, on television and radio - look at how many people virtually worship hate-mongers like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilley and Ann Coulter.  Look at the interactions between candidates - how often do you hear a frank discussion of issues rather than insults, slander and out right lies about the other candidate?  We've forgotten how to live and work together in a civilized manner.  And given the ghastly mess the world is in economically, environmentally and politically, it appears things will get far, far worse before they begin to get better...

  8. Well that's there own insecurities.  I stay away from those people.

  9. I hear ya.  I have run into many people in life like that.  Instead of being happy and trying to make the best life THEY can, they are just miserable.  We have one life - I find it weird that someone would want to be so miserable all the time.  The older I get, the more I have focused on spending my time with people that are happier and more secure.  It's a waste of time to be with the type of people you are talking about.  It can make you feel miserable to be with them.

  10. Simply put, it is easier to cope with placing blame on others rather than the self. This is especially true if one does not have the talent, ability or drive required for success. Rather than coming to terms with the facts that one is by nature not very intelligent or crafty it is easier to blame others and make excuses. Of course, every excuse is not invalid, but a great many people would prefer viewing themselves as somehow disadvantaged by others than disadvantaged by nature.

  11. jealousy and envy... they hate to see others do better than them...

  12. That's because people are just stupid. They got the stupid genes from their parents and will pass them on to their children.

  13. For some people life has crushed their dreams - so as a reaction they live to crush the dreams of others.

  14. so, why you hating the haters? you sound weak and thin skinned. I call them how I see them.


    martina, believe me, you aren't all that and a bag of cheetos.

    and you can't spell either.

  15. Its called life there is always such ppl in life

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