
What makes a person lazy? How can I be more productive in my life?

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Can a person overcome laziness?




  1. Laziness is a state of mind which essentially arises out of a deficiency in ones life. for example if one doesn't have too much to look forward to or if there isn't much happening in his or her life laziness would set in, it is a clear sign of things not happening as wanted. the best part is it is combatable, all one has to do is commit him or herself to a cause & watch laziness disappear. essentially make a plan & stick to it, choose to walk one step a day but do it no matter what. do the things that take you closer to your dreams no matter how in significant they seem right now, but over time they'll look respectable & get you results you'll be amazed at... goodluck

  2. Laziness can be the result of depression or discouragement.Or it can be procrastination - which might be caused by anxiety. It can be a temperament - some people just are born with an inertial, low-energy, laid back temperament. If you're like that you're probably never going to be one of the type A high-achievers in life. But as long as you're pulling you're weight, and not making other people do your work, then I wouldn't beat yourself up about it.

    I have two main piece of advice if you're having trouble getting going.  

    1) Stop worrying and start doing. The more you're thinking about doing something, the more you're not doing it.

    2) An ipod - seriously, listening to music or talk radio or whatever will often distract the procrastinator in your brain (the worrier who doesn't work). For me it's much easier to get going or get moving when I'm listening to something on my ipod.

  3. All negatives can be overcome with positives. Google a short piece called Desiderata. It should help you a lot with the issues you have raised. Best wishes. UK

  4. change your diet, your sleeping schedule (if you have one), i know mary jane can make a person quite lazy, and make sure what your doing is interesting enough to keep you around and interested for awhile.

  5. yes you just have to be interested in what you are doing.....

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