
What makes a person more attractive to biting insects like fleas and mosquitoes?

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It has always seemed that fleas and mosquitoes have bothered me more than anyone else around me. One time my family and I returned from a vacation to find a house of hungry fleas, as our cat had been boarded at the vet. Within minutes, I had probably 20 fleas on each of my ankles while everyone else seemed to be unaffected. Is there something about a person's blood, skin or something else that would make biting insects attack a person more often than someone else?




  1. Biting insects choose who to bite based on the pheromones you give off. There is nothing to suggest they prefer a certain gender or blood type, but if you give off the kind of pheromones they're attracted to, you're going to get bitten a lot more often than someone who gives off the kind they're not so keen on. For example, I am female and the same blood type as my mother - I never get bitten, whilst she and my brother do. I have heard that eating Marmite can put biting insects off biting you - I don't know how true this is, but it's possible it could cause you to give off a scent the biters find unpleasant.

  2. i don't know about the fleas, but mosquitoes are attracted to exhaled carbon dioxide, body heat and movement. maybe something about your body chemistry makes you more of a target.

  3. nice pure blood

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