
What makes a person more susceptible to paranormal experiences?

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What makes a person more susceptible to paranormal experiences?




  1. A lack of science knowledge, an inability or reluctance to look at the world with critical thinking and reason, and a personal need to believe in a world beyond the physical.

  2. A distinct absence of belief in the normal.

  3. Gullibility, the power of suggestion, and a want to believe in things that don't actually happen.  In short, delusion.

  4. Hmm..I really don't know...I was thinking having an open mind would make a person more susceptible but I know many people who have open minds and they've never had any kind of experiences of the paranormal kind...

    I can only guess at it...and it's from personal experience...that for me I've always been interested in knowing more than what was told to me about how things are...that there is more to who I am and what life is about than what I was told by family, school, etc.

    This inquisitiveness has always been with me...for as long as I can remember...

    I get the feeling that this kind of "open mind" and this inner urge to go beyond all patent answers opens up a channel for all kinds of paranormal or spiritual experiences to occur...and insights to occur too! :D

    I's something that was always there for me...


  5. In my opinion this question is not specific enough. One may be open to seeing ghost, guessing well at ESP cards, and doing well on psychokinesis tests all for different reasons even though all are considered paranormal experiences. So, the best I can do is provide you with specific research that has been done. For first time participants in the Ganzfeld (ESP) test better performance can be predicted by the following factors.

    1. A finding of Extroversion and Feeling/Perception on the

        Myers-Brigga Type 1 indicator test.

    2. Personal psi experiences

    3. Prior particpation in non Ganzfeld psi experiments

    4. Practicing a mental discipline like meditation.

    Note: While the average on the Ganzfeld is 33% a group tested at Juiliard school for performing arts averaged 50% It is unknown if creativity, discipline or some other factor accounted for this better showing.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S., Director

    New Mexico Anomaly Society

  6. Sometimes in moments of self-defense or trying to survive in dangerous situations people  call all their senses to save on help.

  7. FEAR. You can believe that your mind creates things when you are afraid, however we are in the middle of a war that you can't see. Demons pick up on fear and try to cover your eyes from the truth, that is Jesus. Me and my wife used to experience phantom farts within days of experiencing heavy attacks. When I found out that others have experinced this, I realized that it was not f**t, but brimstone that we smelled. Yes, brimstone, like in the Devil, or his minions. If you are afraid you will be vulnerable.

  8. If you're sensitive, imaginative, creative, you probably have developed your psychic abilities, either knowingly or unknowingly.  It also helps if you're open to possibilities of any kind, the unknown and the unseen world around us.

  9. Ah! Glad you asked!

    Open-mindedness. You can't see what you refuse to believe is there. Children might see ghosts and such more often because they haven't been conditioned to tune them out yet. Open-mindedness, or the willingness to look and see what is there objectively, without pre-judgement, is the most effective thing.

  10. Being open minded.

    Trusting your instincts.

    Maybe a natural inborn talent to be open to these things.

    And natural events.

    Think of it this way: you don't go to them, they come to you.

    You can start by remembering and writing down your dreams.

    Make this small effort, and you might be more susceptible to these things.

    One more thing: you know why you sometimes turn around when you're by yourself, even though there's no one or nothing there?

    There usually IS something there.

    Be aware of how you feel, of breezes and movements when there shouldn't be any.

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