
What makes a person seem hot & others cute?

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I've always been curious.




  1. Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  2. 'Hotness' is usually derived from dressing coupled with specific bodily accentuation wheras 'Cuteness' is more  from facial features and mannerism.

  3. The person


  4. The person i do believe.  

  5. Confidence!

    know it may seem silly, but you could take a girl who is model gorgeos and very shy - who others dont find pretty.

    But take an average girl with confidense - WOOSH! every boy wants her.  

  6. Hot is like "BAM" in your face features like huge b*****s, huge butt, ecentuated lips, crazy eye color, etc.

    Cute is more subtle features but still pretty and feminine.

    Hot is temporary, and loses its appeal after a while. Cute lasts forever. A cute girl will always be a cute girl.

  7. interesting question. i've been curious too. i think it's just the face expressions they use.  

  8. A hot girl wears cloths that show off her rockin' body, and makes you wanna rip them off, and a cute girl has a nice face with pretty eyes and makes you wanna get to know her better. Therefore, a girl can be hot and cute at the same time.

  9. well for me its like this

    10 - hot

    8 - cute

    5 - average

    <4 - ugly

    hot = nice *** and stuff. really nice face. gorgeous hair, make up well done, etc. not many teenage girls really have that big of b***s and *** though.. kinda lame.. But, there will be one unique one out there that has those features.

    cute - can either look cute (usually for me, its like those s**y asian girls and stuff acting all cute).. so their not like d**n WOW, but way above average.

    average = just, Meh.

    ugly = Kill it

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