
What makes a person so easily hated by others?

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What makes a person so easily hated by others?




  1. mostly bad attitude or mannerism

  2. Sometimes it's a crazed mob mentality and people will just single-out someone who is different - even slightly - or who holds a different viewpoint - and focus their craziness on that one person.    That happened in my neighborhood recently and all the kids just started picking on this one kid, for no reason at all that could be determined.  The kid didn't look any different than anyone else, they just one day focused in on him and made his life h**l.  It was really awful.   The family finally moved away and I was so glad, not because they were bad people or anything but I just felt so sorry for that kid!  His parents were just oblivious to what he was going through.  I was afraid he was going to commit suicide or something.  I told my kids to please be nice to him but I could never tell if they were or not.  I think they just tried to not get involved.  The whole thing was very painful to observe.

  3. A person can be easily hated by others if he/she does something or is doing something, for no reasons, that others least or doesnt expect at all. It may be bad conversation habits, attitude problems, or anything natural in that person that irritate others.

  4. Their inability to understand their own identity as it relates to governing their emotions in situations when they have the chance to make decisions that will "win friends and influence people."

  5. indifferent

  6. arrogance, ignorance, hostility, self righteousness of both the hated and hating

  7. It has not escaped my attention that within most social circles there is a character that is the focus of everyone else’s “hate” or at least distaste, sometimes deservedly, but normally, just as often, not.  

    For example, there is a man I work with, and everyone seems to hate him. Granted, the man does have questionable personal hygiene and this seems to be the chief point of disgust among most people who resent him, but it goes beyond this.

    Routinely people will gather to ***** and moan about him having done X, Y and of course Z! Now X,Y and Z are normally petty transgressions of which we have all been guilty of at one time or another, and true enough when someone else in the social group commits transgressions X, Y or Z, it passes without comment! However when this poor chap does something everyone jumps him.

    I could go on giving different personal examples slightly different in nature. The “hated person (lets call him person H) doesn’t have to smell, but there will no doubt be another initiating factor.

    My theory is as follows… (Please note I have no psychology or sociology experience beyond that of my own meandering existence)

    The social group in which person H manifests will likely be a social group that is forced to some extent or has a value/benefit in its maintenance. For example, you can’t choose your work colleagues but it may make your job a lot easier if you fitted securely into a social group.  

    In a social group such as this some extra ‘fuel’ or machination is required to keep it functioning well over time. A small social group of friends from outside of work/college for example will likely be more genuine, you see each other because you want to, not because you have to and so those relationships run them selves. However in these more forced circumstances, certain mechanisms are required to keep things running.

    One mechanism that works quite well in unifying and strengthening this kind of social group is identifying person H. Person H allows the group to unite and serves as a way for members of the group to communicate to each other behaviour they dislike. For example, one colleague will complain to another extensively about person H having committed petty transgression Y. Having petty transgression Y related to the unacceptable behaviour of person H, everyone else in the group now knows that petty transgression Y is to be more carefully avoided, even if it was not seen to be a transgression by some in the first place.

    While person H is somewhat of a victim he/she is performing an important task. Without he/she people would have to call others out on petty transgressions causing conflict or they would have to suppress their annoyance, and long term that could build up to aggression.

    It should be noted that the group will usually seek to maintain person H, possibly subconsciously aware of his/her importance within the group. While united in dislike of him/her they will rarely turn on person H collectively, forcing him/her out. Instead when person H’s reputation drops too low, they will occasionally exonerate him/her of some transgressions by pointing out more positive qualities. Thus giving the necessary social machination extended life, knowingly or not.

    Person H can be seen as an opposite of the Alpha within a group. Indeed while almost a polar opposite, person H is equally as important. It is also worth mentioning that person H may disappear or simply not manifest if other factors are at play within the social group, for example, a conflict between two Alphas.

    The politics of social grouping is infinitely complex and I apologize for the length of my answer but note I could probably go on indefinitely. I hope I have gone some way to shedding some light upon your query.

  8. I was hated simply because I was quiet in school. I didn't follow trends or hang out with groups. I chose to read and do all of my homework.

    People hate one another because of many things. Race, looks, money, status, the list is almost endless.

    Our oldest son was hated in school because he too was quiet. He didn't insult or hurt anyone. They just hated him.

  9. egocentricity ^_^

  10. It has nothing to do with the person that is hated. The only way a person can be hated is if the person doing the hating was raised to believe that it is ok to hate.

  11. Due to some peoples inability to stop annoying people! There are many diffrent ways to be hated but that its probely the easiest to hate.

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