
What makes a stupid Jailbird a Poetic Genius?

by Guest44848  |  earlier

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I know this guy who is always goofing off and getting in trouble with the law. Whenever he's out of jail he's either the best actor of playing stupid, or he really is. I often question if he's really as dumb as he acts.

But, whenever he's in jail he sends me these poems that are absolutely WOW. He has beatiful writing, his penmanship and paragraphs are perfect. I sometimes wonder if he Add-Libs somebody else's peom using words that only related to him or me to keep the poem personal. They just seem to be too good to be from him. But his poems and art drawings on the envelopes are simular in style over the last 4-5 years which makes me think it's got to be his original style.

Why is it that when someone is in jail, they become a genius?




  1. Ironic, isn't it?

    It sounds like this young man is very bright, and very lazy.  I am guessing that learning came very easy to him when he was in school, and he never had to work to do well.  As he got older, school became a little more difficult, and he probably decided at some point that it was too much work.

    Perhaps that is whey he gets into trouble with the law.  He is too busy goofing off and NOT working towards something, like a good job or a degree.

    No matter how wonderfully he writes, or how much he says he loves you, unless he does a 180 and gets off his lazy bum & straightens up, Honey, I'd ditch him even if he had a Pulitzer prize for literature under his belt!

    Now sraighten up that spine and kick that bum to the curb!  Good luck!

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