
What makes a teen boys room stinky and funky?

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what makes a teen boys room stinky and funky? And why is it that every teenage and boys in the 20's room smell so funky and sweaty?




  1. Hormones and general lack of hygiene.

  2. Because they're sweating and sweat stinks. You sweat more during your younger years(Guys and Girls) since you're going through puberty.

  3. not all are that way but yes a lot are like that.

    Their is a lot of things that can account for it.. that they are changing like girls do but it is more socially acceptable for boys not to take care of their rooms and them self's and as a  result their is more bo and stuff and also if it is a mess maybe old food is still their and helping the smells  

  4. Lack of deoderent and they tend to shower in the morning, meaning they go to sleep in their sweaty bodies from football or soccer practice, leaving the nasty B.O. in their bedrooms.

  5. They are lazy, i can't stand teenage boy's room being stinky!  

  6. Change in hormones and they seem to take less baths as they become teenagers but you will see a change when he gets a girlfriend and suggest axe body sprays and get a febreeze plug in works well

  7. their b.o.... the fact that they don't shower on a regular basis

  8. their dirty clothes that they never ever wash! & all those plates and cups from like 10 months ago! and their b.o and  i personally think when 3 or more guys be in a room the room gets this "***" smell.

  9. too much wanking, don't believe me get a black light

  10. just being a teenage boy!

  11. B.O, pleasuring themselves, dirty clothes and underwear and food

  12. My bf and i share a room hes 17 and i dont notice any smells but that could be cause i cant smell anything cause im always in there. But my family says it smells fine and they would tell me if it stank

  13. Its their dirty, sweaty clothes and socks. And s*x haha.

  14. its their socks and bed covers, would it kill them to change the bedsheets?

  15. Their stinky socks and clothes laying around on the floor. Teenage boys do not care at all about hygiene and about their room staying clean.

  16. B.O socks    stuff like that  

  17. Sweaty socks and stinky feet!

  18. Their B.O.

  19. It is their sneakers, and their feet. Sneakers do have a strong odor, especially if they don't wear socks.

  20. its because of the old c u m they have sprayed all around their room!

    added to the sock and dirty clothing smell

    and their old sweat smell from all that masturbating :)

  21. Their stinky shoes, their stinky clothes laying all over the floor, probably their stinky sheets.  Teen boys just aren't all that concerned with cleanliness.

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