
What makes a women be beautiful?

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What makes a women be beautiful?




  1. Firstly, that depends on whether you're talking about inner beauty or outer beauty.  It kind of irks me a little when some people hear the word "beauty" or "beautiful" and immediately assume that the other person is talking about "inner beauty".  IMO, "beauty" refers to PHYSICAL beauty when it is not otherwise clarified...if someone is talking about inner beauty, they will usually say "inner beauty", not just "beauty".  

    So, I'm going to presume you're talking about physical beauty.  A woman (or a man, for that matter) is physically beautiful if their faces and bodies are in the right proportions, and if their skin, hair, teeth, etc., indicate that they are in good health (i.e. lustrous hair, nice teeth, and clear healthy-looking skin are signs of good health).  Youth, on either gender, also can contribute to beauty.  However, there are some fortunate individuals of either gender who only get better with time, like a fine wine.  

    Physical beauty, for the most part, all comes down to the Golden Ratio.  Google "golden ratio human beauty" or "golden ratio human body" if you want more information about this.


    There is no one thing that makes a woman beautiful.

  3. Usually when they start to fall in love. They tend to pick themselves up, and start to dress up more often and are more cleanly. Especially after depression, the good felling of being in love can lift away wrinkles, and women won't be prone to eating so much snacks.

  4. What is on the inside in her heart

  5. Looks, Attitude, Talents/Skills.

  6. What an odd question...It depends on who you are asking.

  7. Symmetry.

  8. When she being herself, confidence and being in love and of course have money for shoping....right?

  9. it depends on your opinion or definition of 'beautiful'

  10. although looks will either attract men or turn them away, beauty comes from the inside

  11. I think a women's personality and heart is ultimately what makes her truly beautiful.

  12. A woman who can cook.

  13. A woman may be beautiful on the outside but not inside.

    An attractive woman is beautiful when she doesn't flaunt it and lets her heart dictate her actions and words.

    A beautiful woman is also one who appreciates nature and its beauty and does not worship materialistic things.

    A beautiful woman is not afraid to say hi to anyone...

    A beautiful woman doesn't have to explain herself..She just is; "BEAUTIFUL".

  14. Its hard to tell these days. Maybe she is born like that. Maybe its maybelline?

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