
What makes an argument sound

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What makes an argument sound




  1. it should relate well to the subject and be a complete sentence;

    also the point you are trying to make should be clear, easy to understand;

    you should not repeat yourself;

    you could also use quotes to show that other people believe the same thing; these quotes should best be from people who have earned great respect through their works;

  2. A deductive argument is sound if and only if it is both valid, and all of its premises are actually true, otherwise, a deductive argument is unsound.  

  3. By having solid points and facts.  Dispute anything that goes against your thoughts.

    Be firm, but not raising your voice.

  4. Making every other word a curse?

  5. When all parties involved have justifiable and valid complaints and/or points. When everyone can provide in detail reasons why they feel they are right. That's how I see it, but I could be wrong. A sound argument is something that isn't easily resolved due to everyone's valid input.

  6. Well, a sound argument is an argument that is true, true in the real world is the best way I can explain it.

    A strong argument is an argument that is properly constructed.  The difference between the two is that a sound argument is most probably true, while an argument that is strong can in actuality be false.

    For example:

    Strong and Sound:  (1) If it's raining the streets are wet.  (2)  It is raining the streets are wet.  (This is both sound and strong)

    Weak and Unsound:  (1) If it's raining the streets are wet.  (2) The streets are wet, it is raining.  (This both weak and unsound, because the streets could be wet for a different reason.  It's weak because it's in reverse, basically logic is not a two way street.  For example:  You can say:  All Snickers are candy bars, but you can't say all candy bars are Snickers)

    Strong but unsound:  (1)  All men are immortal.  (2) I'm a man, I am immortal.  (Strong argument, but no validity in it.!  So it is UNSOUND.)

  7. When both people agree it is so

  8. the truth

  9. Good reasoning and proper use of logic...

  10. A valid point, otherwise it's a fallacy.

  11. If you can corroborate your side of the argument with evidence or proof of your point of view, then there should be no room for contradiction.

  12. The person making the argument...

    well... not sound... but effective...  

  13. Logical questions and answers.

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