
What makes anti-abortionist believe they have a right to enforce moral judgment upon others?

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Whether you agree with abortions or not should be a private issue decided between a couple if the situation arises.

Why do people think that they or the state, or anyone else has a right to enforce this on them?

Why are we not finding solutions to the real issues behind abortions, which are reproductive rights, sexual freedom and poverty?

Why must we legislate morality?




  1. Using that argument then technically shouldn't a 14 year old be able to sleep with a 45 year old man.  What right do we have to enforce morality?  What if they are in love?  Shouldn't that be their decision?  What about the 14 year olds sexual freedom and reproductive rights?

    Oh and by the way, most women who get abortions do not live below the poverty level so while people claim it is a big issue, it's really not.  Most poor women keep their children.

  2. Bible-thumping, plastic-fetus-in their backpack-carrying freaks have a definite superiority complex. My last trip to Planned Parenthood for getting Birth Control pills included a man who quoted c**p from the bible, and I told him i was an atheist. Can you believe it? I don't understand how people believe they have the right to shove their morals down another's throat.

  3. Facts and logic are the reasons I choose to advocate for choice, vs. government regulation. If all the anti-choice advocates that have bleeding hearts for unborn children would volunteer or donate to foundations that educate and provide for unwanted children I wouldn't have such a problem with it, but the world we live in wouldn't adequately support the amount of unwanted children that would be the result of such legislation passing, therefore creating a generation even more messed up then the current... jmho

    Irish Amber... do you have a link to back your statement of "most women that have abortions can afford them".

  4. In this case, while I've always been in favor of abortion rights, and I've been around since before Roe v. Wade, the simple answer to your question is that many or most anti-abortionists sincerely believe abortion is murder.  We all agree murder should be illegal, so their position is understandable if you accept their premise.  I don't, personally.

    I think it's easier to rant against abortion than to solve the social issues behind the problem, plus it doesn't cost any taxpayer money.

    (Thank you for saying "anti-abortionist", by the way.  Being an old guy, I really preferred "pro-abortion" and "anti-abortion" to the "pro-life" and "pro-choice" euphemisms - everyone is for life and choice.)

  5. Because they think God is on their side.  Even when they murder doctors who perform abortions.

  6. You either value life or choice. But you can't value both.  

  7. Because anti-abortionists view abortion as murder, and think that murder should be illegal.  why do you have difficulty understanding that?  It seems quite simple to me.

  8. Why must we legislate morality?  

    Do you oppose laws that make murder, rape, and abuse illegal?

    The laws we have that "legislate morality" are not in place to make people moral, they're in place to protect the innocent.

    The "innocent" in the case of abortion is the unborn child.  Who is, indeed, a living thing from conception.  People don't find out they're pregnant until 5 or 6 weeks along.  At 6 wks you can already detect the heartbeat on ultrasound.  Nonliving things don't have hearts that beat.

    I'm sorry, but i must disagree with you.  I view abortion as murder, and I don't know anyone fighting to get that legalized...

  9. I think it makes sense. If you believe that abortion is murder, it's only natural that you don't think it should be up to the couple to decide.

  10. Um, aren't all of our laws based on moral issues? If our government didn't legislate morality there would be chaos. Murder, rape, and theft can all be considered moral issues. Are you suggesting that our government or state doesn't have the right to enforce those laws either?  

  11. We are acting as ADVOCATES for those who cannot speak; the baby in the womb (or fetus if you want to deny the baby is life).

    Since the baby in the womb is still dependent on the woman for life, and cannot speak for itself, or hire an attorney to attain the right to be born.  Someone, who's not bias needs to speak up for the babies in the womb (fetus' if you must).  Women can speak up & hire attornies; so can the men who can get 'em prego (speak up and hire attornies)... but the baby in the womb can't, so we speak for them.

    In a civilized society, we must protect instead of destroy.  Another way to look at this is if a big brother choices to smash his little sisters car head lights in does this mean that she can choice to smash her little sisters car's head lights?  Abortion is situations where one person is choosing to damage another, based off hurt emotions; thus, we need Advocates to speak out for babies.

    The real issues behind abortion is how we treat our sexuality.  The very meaning of life itself.  Reproductive rights?  There is not such thing.  Does a man with low sperm count have rights to kidnap to get childreen?  Should we sterilize midgets, down syndrom people, or even decide who should be allowed to be born based off their hair color?

    All laws are moral.

  12. The anti-abortionists have too much time on their hands. They need to focus on their own problems and not be so concerned about other women and the decisions they make. Women have abortions because the men who knocked them up are inferior in some way, be it financially inferior, relationally inferior, behaviorally inferior or what have you. The anti-abortionists cannot provide women who have abortions with "better" men to pair up with, so they need to stop trying to prevent them from having abortions.  

  13. I think it is a moral issue, but you have never seen me personally attack a pro-choicer. A human being, regardless of size should have the right to "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness "

    When a human being is classified as less than as human you get these results.

    a) slavery, the view at the time, blacks were less than human

    b) genocide, look at Sudan, Hilter ect

    c) abuse, look at how the certain groups view women, less than human therfore do not need equal rights.

    Yes, abortion to me is a moral issue and we legislate moral behavior all the time.

  14. We legislate less serious moral issues all the time, like not being able to have a bikini calendar on your desk, TV / radio decency standards, movie ratings, and none of those are life and death issues.

  15. Good point, you really have given us food for thought, food for thought.  We can start getting a petition together and start calling our legislators now to push for the legalization of all murder, not just that of the unborn.

  16. I believe it's murder.  That's not a private issue.  I'm not going to let your husband kill you, or vice versa, and call it a "private matter."

    Now, whether it really is murder or not is up for debate, and while I'm open to the possiblity it really isn't, I haven't seen anything yet to make me think otherwise.

  17. Why must we legislate morality?

    Realize that the law, stripped of ethical and moral rationale, is nothing more than the government with power imposing its will upon those with less power.

    Your point is arguable but your thinking behind it is simplistic and flawed.

    Edit: By the way everyone, while we're on the topic, look up the Induced Infant Liability Act.

    Barack Obama will blow your mind once more by insisting a child born during an abortion on 'accident' (no child is ever born on accident) doesn't have legal status! To the asker: how does that fit in with your beliefs? Do you agree with Obama?

    His rationale was that he 'couldn't burden a woman.'

  18. I dont have an opinion either way but the same could be said for pro-abortionists.

    If it is a matter of life and death then it isn't a 'private matter' between two people as you assert.

    It's an issue of murder.

  19. I think that pro-lifers don't consider it a moral question but a question of life vs death.  Like we don't consider murder or robbery a moral issue but a criminal one.  I am pro-life, but our country has spoken on what is the law, so my opinion is just that, my personal opinion.  But I see the protestors and I think they believe it's a violation of basic right to have an abortion, not a moral or religious based belief.

  20. I've wondered this myself, I am doing a study for my psychology class right now and it's about different judgments people have towards things they don't like. Personally while I am a Christian, I do believe abortion is right. I don't think the 14 year old child who was raped should have to carry a child they did not ask for and place it up for adoption, I do believe on the other hand that the prostitute who did not use protection shouldn't be able to get 15 abortions when she could just be provided with Birth Control. It is a very tricky subject, and the reason for our government being involved is because we as a people like to place judgment on others. Race, s*x, abortion, careers, everything, we all judge something.

  21. I am anti-abortionist unless the case is a rape that can't be handled.

    Well, i am catholic, and as far as i know, the church never says "Abortionists are very bad sinners ans the are bad persons".

    What the Church says and what i say too is that abortion isn't a good thing.

    There is no enforcement, the Church tried to stop it from being legal by using legal methods and it did not work.

    The Church can't say "you will go to h**l, sinner"...that's something that falls to God, who ever says that is a noob.

    The problem is not reproductive rights, the problem is that if the fetus is alive and human, you are denying someones right to life O-x

    But for abortionists, usually the fetus is meat.

    And i don't see where morality like this is being legalized: the "morals" wanted to stop g*y marriage, divorce and abortion.

    All of these things exist now.

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