
What makes atoms bond together?

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What makes atoms bond together?




  1. the 'want' to share electrons, or because they lose/gain an electron from each other, become charged and attract. if i remember rightly from my lessons in school!

  2. in  some  cases  its a physical  condition such  as the  chain reaction of fusion in  the  sun and  in others there is a chemical catalyst that  brings them  together such  as  vinegar causing baking soda to  give  off  carbon dioxide

  3. that is a great question...

    a month left in chemistry class and i am still unsure.

    that might explain my grades in that class lol

  4. their charges..

    positive and negative are attractive with eachohter

  5. when they need to share neturons

    its called the lazy state

  6. In a word: electrons.

    It's a bit more complicated than that, and there are a couple of different ways that bonding can occur, but generally speaking, it has to do with the way that the electrons are configured around a given atom.

  7. somethin about protons, electrons and neutral......

  8. The positive and negative ions on both atoms.


  10. this has to do with the electron conviguration and the valency of an element and the sharing of electrons. The placement of the element on the periodic table is also plays a part ok the bonds(when doing chemical formulas)

  11. Different forces. There are three fundamental forces of physics. Electromagnetism is probably the one you are most familiar with. The other two are the weak and strong nuclear forces, which function at the atomic level.

    There are generally two ways atoms bond: ionic and covalent. Ionic is a lot like magnetism with positive and negative atoms being attracted to each other. Covalent involves a different kind of balancing of forces, where atoms stick together because they are sharing a desired electron.

  12. The electromagnetic force AND ONLY THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE.  To fully explain bonding requires a quantum view of this fundamental force, but it's the reason why molecules, ionic crystals, and metallic networks of atoms form.

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