
What makes bananas happy?

by  |  earlier

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What makes them happy!?




  1. when i eat them!

  2. when they are digested and turned into toilet lizards.


  3. Haha what the heck

  4. when you take them out of their peels ;]

    oh baby baby

  5. my blender on pur'ee

  6. When monkeys arent around!

  7. bannas are happy when they stay on the tree and get really ripe.

    then some nice rich people come along and pick them.

    the take them to their nice, big, fancy house and set them on their granite counter tops. then the rich people eat them while answering random questions like this on yahoo answers :))

  8. when they're in pajamas!

  9. ur mom

  10. To b eaten!!!!!!

  11. When you peel them open, and ever so gently eat them.

  12. when they find other bananas appealing....LOL

  13. ughh what kind of question is this i think im gonna have to agree with embily lol

  14. your mom

    like everyone else said =D

  15. some good lotion..

  16. monkeys

  17. Well I think its because monkeys eat them... Since monkeys  have such great hair, they smile, so there teeth are very yellow. Which is the SAME color as a bannana : ) so there ya go!!!

    please help me : )

  18. opb - organic peanut butter

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