
What makes bees not able to fly?

by  |  earlier

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In the last couple of days, I am constantly seeing bees walking in my driveway, and they are not able to fly. We had a little rain earlier in the day that this started, but not nearly close to the storms that we have had so far this summer. I have tried to urge them to fly, but they just hop and walk faster.




  1. Maybe a chemical in the air that they are intolerant to or the water on their wings may still be drying.  

  2. If You Looked At Them right after the rain its because there wings are soaked with water. Or Maybe There Tired Or Fat?  

  3. i think its called bee colony collapse syndrome? maybe cause by new pesticides put on the market designed to kill parasitic wasps but kills their relatives the bees as well,

  4.   Look around for some fermented nectar

  5. maybe they are sick or dying

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