
What makes bulls mean?

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what is it?




  1. In rodeos it being shocked in their privates  in farms its protedting their turf and cows.

  2. humanity.

  3. in the field, they are protecting their territory,

    in a rodeo, they are trying to kick off the (drawing a blank on the name) rope that is tied around their loins thus making them rather unhappy... if you watch, once they pull that rope off, the bull calms down by quite a lot.

    (and a shock to the testis in the cage before going out might add alittle)

  4. I think the word you might be looking for instead of "mean" is aggressive and I would suspect it is their testosterone.  I've been around bulls who were as sweet as ice-cream and gentle as lambs but their eyesight is not very good and they startle easily.  It is also in their nature to protect the herd and even if they have no herd to protect that drive is still there.

  5. If you are talking about rodeos, they tie up the bulls man parts.  That's what makes them buck.  They are not mean by nature.  We as humans make them mean.

  6. red

  7. they are not mean. why would you think that they are mean?
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