
What makes champions champions?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, in my sport: Wrestling. I put so many hours of my life towards training, and practicing and repetition. For some reason I am getting success, but not as much success as I would like. I mean how much does it take? I see other put it about the same effort and do wonders. Or am I just making an excuse for myself? What's the deal here.




  1. The Wrestling ability plays a major part , as well as the "Gimmick" , if any ....

    Mic Skills are important as a "Champion" needs to be able to really Communiciate with the fans .. good or bad ....

    Then too , making a GREAT impression with the management plays a lot  .... doing your job , volunteering if need be for certain appearances and events , getting along well with the other talent in the ring AND backstage ..... Just to name a few .....

    WORK at it is not an EASY job ; BUT; the rewards are seeing the reaction of the fans as you come out to the ring or get your hand raised in victory ....

    GOOD LUCK !!

  2. It doesn't take one person to make a championship it takes a whole team so help all your teammates work hard and sooner or later you'll have  one in your hands

  3. There are a whole heap of factors and attributes that make champions champions. You already have one of them: hard work. If you really want to be great at something you have to be willing to work harder than anyone else while you are training, and then to keep working when all of the other guys have gone home.

    Having said that, it takes more than just hard work. Genetics plays a role - some guys are tailor-made for certain sports while others are not. If you're not, it means you have one strike against you, but certainly doesn't mean you can't succeed. Along with genetics are other intangibles like natural instinct for the sport, aggression, and creativity.

    More than anyhing else, though, attitude is what makes the difference. I have coached a lot of athletes through the years and the best were always the ones who had a never-say-die attitude when it came to competition. You have to believe that you deserve to win, and then you have to walk the talk. Don't make excuses if you lose, just get up, dust yourself off, and give it another shot. Excuses are never productive in accomplishing anything - don't ever give yourself permission to make excuses. Other guys will do it all the time. Don't get sucked in.

    Set specific, measurable goals for yourself (short and long-term) and chart your progress. Train with guys better than you and learn from them.

    Regardless of what happens, stay positive, stay focused, and enjoy the journey. Good luck!

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