
What makes fish not meat?

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Seems like this is the only way for me to leave a comment to the answers.... If it is because Fish aren't mammals, then why isn't whale considered meat...If it is because of omega 3 then why is beef meat, because grass fed cows contain mega 3 in their beef. I guess to narrow the question further, what differentiates the meat of fish or ocean creatures from the meat of land creatures? what is in the ocean that causes the ocean creatures not to be meat? after all the same molecules on land or air can be found in the ocean.




  1. i dont get why vegans are allowed to eat fish. Im not sure but if you are doing it for animal rights you shouldnt bc its still killing a living thing. which plants are living too but i guess they dont have a brain so it doesnt have feelings and thoughts...

  2. Fish is considered meat to most people.

    If you're asking about "No meat on Friday during lent, but you can still eat fish" it has something to do with the Bible. I think there were two different words for meat, one for land animals and one for sea animals.

    I'm not 100 percent certain on this, it's just what I have heard.

  3. That theyre not meat? Tehe ^_^

    I <3 Green Tea!

  4. Both are meat. Land or water makes it no different.

  5. The answer is burried in politics.

    Vegetarianism is over thousands of years old and roots back into Buddism. Buddism principle was not to kill animal, or sacrifice animals for worship. You could still eat meat but NOT kill to eat. Fish was neither hunted nor sacrificed so it was not effected.

    Then came modification by Hinduism, it made eating beef against religion, followed by eating animal against religion. Much of the population that lived on the coastal region excluded fish from the definition of meat. They were fishermen, it was their livelihood. So, the exception applied to people who lived on coast, specially west Bengal.

    In 1944, Vegan Society was formed by Donald Watson. Donald Watson had become a Vegetarian at the age of 14. He based Veganism solely on the basis of cruelty to animals and not on religion. Vegans were not allowed to eat any meat, including fish or even drink milk. Milk had to do with how cows were treated and specially the production of veal.

    The people living on coastal regions still did not want to give up eating fish. Then came the nutritionist who made Omega 3 as an important essential fatty acid in 1990s. Even the infant formula was granted permission to add DHA and ARA. It is the influence of the nutritionist, who want to make fish as an exception to Vegetarianism. New category of vegeatarians called Demi-vegetarians is created in 1990s who may eat fish.

    Vegetarianism was influenced by religion to eliminate animal sacrifice and non-violence. Vegetarianism then branched out into Veganism based on animal cruelty. Then it is branching away again as Demi-vegetarianism based on nutrition.

    Vegans and many vegetarans do NOT accept Demi-vegetarians as vegetarians.

  6. Fish swims in the sea, meat walks on the land, and poultry lays eggs.

  7. they are

  8. Fish is meat.

    Whale is meat.

    Beef is meat.

    Vegetarians do not eat animals.

    Fish, shrimp and clams are all animals.

  9. Fish is meat. You may argue it's not but it is the same as eating any other meat. It comes from a living creature.  

  10. Maybe it's because fish aren't mammals, but meat comes from mammals. It doesn't change what veggies eat though. They're still animals.

  11. Fish is meat because it is an animal that has died.  It doesn't get counted by some because in the Bible Jesus ate fish.

  12. because it is fish

    meat is pork, beef etc........ fish products are animals of the sea......

  13. Fish is def meat, can't understand why anybody would think that it isn't. A fish is most def part of the animal kingdom, people are kidding themselves if they say it isn't a meat. My partner's Vegan which means that you don't use any animal products whatsoever. For TMC_gorg people with a Vegan diet aren't allowed to eat fish whoever told you that needs to asses their diet.

  14. A papal decree. The pope says you can eat fish on fridays when you aren't supposed to eat meat and suddenly people start thinking it's officially a scientific designation.

    Mrs. Happily--In the Bible, Jesus ate lamb too. Jesus adhered strictly to the Law of Moses which required implicit following of Passover rituals in which Jesus partook. The Passover ritual required eating lamb.

  15. well it isn't a mammal. There are 2 types of "meat" those from mammals and those from cold blooded creatures such as fish or reptiles. I personally think that vegetarian means to eat neither product. A pescetarian however does eat seafood. (as is their right)

  16. Your point of view.

    I know vegetarians who decide for themselves what is or is not meat.

  17. meat is another word for flesh.  Fish have flesh so if you eat fish flesh, you are eating meat.

  18. Fish IS meat.  It's the flesh of a dead animal, right?

    Absolutely NOTHING differentiates the meat of sea creatures from the meat of land creatures, which is why vegetarians don't eat them.  Dead animals are dead animals.

  19. because most fish contains omega 3 that is heart friendly

  20. who said that fishn not meat...certain asian peolple call fish as white meat

  21. Nothing. Fish are white meat.

  22. it is meat. vegetarians dont eat animals. fish are animals.

  23. Oh that's a good question. It might be because fish dont have legs...and generally animals have legs...therefore they must be considered meat.    ?!

  24. fish ARE meat.  I think that "vegetarians" who eat fish are kidding themselves.  If you're going to eat fish meat why not frog legs or alligator or other "exotic" meats that just aren't on the "standards" list like lamb, chicken, beef and pork.  

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