
What makes food kosher?

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Just wondering, what makes food kosher, any answers welcome!




  1. the process in which it is cooked/made. Also it (foods, equipment)has to be blessed by a rabbi.

  2. nothing makes food kosher... Kosher means ritually acceptable. foods are kosher, and are kept kosher during preparation or they are not kosher. foods can be made not kosher with improper preparation.

    People telling oyu that a rabbi blesses food to make it kosher are lieing or severily misinformed..

    there are certain rules that let you know wether food is kosher. animals for example must have cloved feet. (like a goat/sheep) it must eat grass, may not have scales or webbed feet. it must be freshly slaughtered. the meat must be cut and it may not be torn.

    this is where the rabbi comes in. in todays day and ages, rabbi's inspect the food industry to make sure knives are properly sharp (so meat is not torn) to make sure that foods are prepared (industrially) kosher.

    meat may also not come into contact with dairy. so rabbi's make sure that in restaurants aswell, (provided the restaurant wants to be kosher ofc) that dairy and meat are prepared on seperate counters

  3. food is kosher when the rabbi blesses it.  There are certain rules but for commercial products the most important thing is to get him into the plant and pay him.


    In a sense Mrzwink is right the rabbi doesn't really bless the food but he does come into the processor plant and inspect how the food is handled.  I've seen it happen.  I've also seen that the process is pretty casual if he is properly paid.

  4. Kosher means that is was bled to death, free from blood and impurity, that is the best I can give you as far as I know.

  5. saurkrout!

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