
What makes for a good soccer coach for 9 yr olds?

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Oops, I accidentally volunteered to be my niece's soccer coach and the YMCA took me up on my offer. I played when I was young and know the game well but I have never coached before nor been in a teaching position of any kind. Got any tips?




  1. First, patience and caffeine - trust me on this :)

    I've never coached, but my 10yo son has had some great coaches and some really bad ones.  The qualities his favorite coach had were:

    -He saw each child for who they were, instead of just trying to mold them into a little playing machine.  He listened to them when they had something to say, and he pushed each at their individual level - without comparing them to each other.  That was huge.

    -He let them take chances, even when they weren't the strongest kid in that position.  He believed in them, instructed them patiently, and then let them go out and show what they could do.

    -When they failed, he still made sure they knew they were an important part of the team.  They're 9 - they will fail - and they need a place to do so safely.  They need to know that you value them even when they completely biff it.

    -He followed through on offered rewards and consequences.  When not paying attention earned them laps, he calmly sent them running to across the field.  When winning a game earned them ice cream, he immediately took them all out.  Be consistent, and they'll know what to expect from you.

    -He studied up so that he knew what he was talking about, but when he made a mistake, he admitted it and went on.  They can see right through you if you're trying to cover up for something...they'll respect you much more if you're honest and just there to teach them and have fun.

    This is a fun age, I promise...they're old enough to really get into it, but still young enough to obey and respect you.  Just go in and have fun, and go with the purpose of helping to grow their abilities.  Good luck!

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