
What makes good looking or lucky people feel upset?

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do they just fake being dismayed from time to time to make ugly people feel better?

if you have a great life, what are some of the things that might get you down?

this question probably isnt really philisophical, but you'll get over it.




  1. There is no such thing as luck and attractiveness has no bearing on one's emotional status.  Sadness, horror, and tragedy do not discriminate based on looks or any other factor.

  2. i never knew our looks had something to do with how upset we got..but hey...everybody is entitled to his/her view

  3. because lifes really not about being beautiful or good looking or even lucky cuz everyone hits a bad spot every now and then and everyone looks in the mirror and feels ugly sometimes every one gets their feelings hurt even if they are the most beautiful person uve ever seen someone is going to hurt them or say something bad about them and if a person is normally lucky it will affect them more if something bad happens to them because they are not used to it and remember the person u see isnt always the person that is there on the inside and where u dont know or see them people put up a front alot and are not who u think they are and alot of pretty people look in the mirror and see an ugly person. i will use myself as an example everyone my whole life always said i was pretty and i never see myself as pretty every now and then i can look in the mirror and go hmm i guess i am kinda pretty but only after people have told me a hundred times so yea i dunno i feel like i was on track basically everyone has bad days

  4. Every one has ups and downs....looks or contentment have nothing to do with the way we perceive the world.

  5. Having to be around ugly or unlucky people.  So stay away from me.

  6. I think you hit it on the head when you stated "feel" upset.  Everything that we go through on a daily basis has nothing to with anything but our mind set.  It truly has nothing to do with the way you look or how lucky you are.  Everything in your life is "choice", nothing more than that.  I have known very beautiful people who are always upset about something or who think they are ugly.  That has to do more with your mind set and how you feel about yourself on the inside.  Nothing outside of yourself has anything to do with it.  What drives us to perhaps get upset or feel less than worthy is the very real fact that we are going to die one day and the majority of us are afraid of closing our eyes for the last time.  Everyone always feels as if they are in a rush to get things done all the time.  That stems from the fear of dying.  Everyone just needs to learn how to monitor their thoughts on a daily basis and attempt to become more focused on the moment or the  task at hand and that would stop everyone from feeling unworthy or upset about anything.  All of life is a blessing, not a hindrance.  Think about it.  Have a wonderful and productive day.

  7. We are all people , capable of the same emotions . If what you are asking , is directed at what might upset a person you deem a being "successful" , the answer is the same for everyone; with the exception that most successful people have learned to have control over their thoughts..and therefore simply don't sweat the small stuff. There are no ugly people. There are however , those who THINK they're ugly. We are what we think about , so I'd say think better thoughts.

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