
What makes it happen after so many months?

by Guest32695  |  earlier

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When they say it can take around 3 months for most women to conceive, I wonder why that is? I mean, is it the amount of times your try or do you just get lucky on a certain month? Suppose you tried in August, September and October and got pregnant in October. If you hadn't tried in August and September and only tried in October, I wonder if you still would have got pregnant in October?




  1. It depends on if somebody already knew their body's fertility signs and symptoms prior to TTC. For some people, especially those who have always had reliable cycles (on their own, without the pill), they have an idea of when they'll ovulate and what their most fertile days will be.

    For others who aren't familiar with what to look for (CM, CP, BBT, etc.) it probably takes longer.

  2. It's just a matter of numbers.  You only have about a 25% chance of getting pregnant in any given month.  With that being the case, it just takes a few months for the numbers to catch up.  Some people get pregnant the first time they try, others don't get pregnant after a year of trying.  All of this evens out to give that idea that it takes a few months.

  3. Oh, wow, I think the same way.

    Like you read women for example beginning TTC at age 40 then get pregnant 2 years later at age 42.  If they didn't begin at age 40, kept trying each month, and only happend to have s*x every other day at that same age of 42, would she still conceive??


    I don't think it's a coincidence.  I really believe conceive is like some spiritual energy force.  I think it has to do with some sort of 'energy' that is given out.  Hope that makes sense to you.

  4. well if that is true I should conceive in one more month My husband and have been ttc for two months now

  5. i have no idea what makes anyone say that..

    i believe it is all up to chance, not the "right time", or anything else

    it's a matter of numbers.. they say even if you do everything right you only have a 25% chance of actually getting preggers

    so i guess they assume that it only takes so many months

    but if you are like me i've been trying for over a year and i think it is just a coincidence that me and dh haven't concieved yet

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