
What makes it rain?

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Well, I obviously know the clouds make it rain. Can you be more specific? What scientific factors cause it to rain?




  1. Water vapor starts off by being released by evaporation and raised up to the lifting condensation level (LCL) by means of a lifting mechanism (such as a frontal boundary) or a transfer mechanism (such as wind). When the air temperature becomes equivalent to the dew point (and 100% relative humidity is achieved), the water vapor condenses to form clouds. Condensation nuclei (such as dust particles) suspended in the air cause water droplets to condense around them, which forms rain drops. When the droplets are massive enough, gravity causes them to fall as rain.

  2. The clouds

  3. i dont know the clouds

  4. water clings onto a particle (CCN) like EX: dust and it keeps growing until it becomes a raindrop.  When it is heavy enough it will fall.

  5. lil wayne

  6. me just kidding i always wondered that too
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