
What makes life worth living?

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If life is just a cycle then why continue living if we already know where we are going? What is the the real purpose of life for all?




  1. Life is a journey for ever.

    We will die sure but our souls go on forever.

    What we do now to show our love for others and believe in God, and His son Jesus helps prepare us for what will be our rewards. We can be happy forever if we believe in Jesus and that he died to suffer our sins for us.

  2. If you haven't killed yourself, then you must have some reason.

  3. That that lies benath you. To be honest i think my family makes my life worth living. I would do anything for them, also i think that live your life, and enjoy it the best way you can.

    Stay healthy ^^

  4. Yahoo ansers

    Were going to heaven the purpsose is a way to wait in line to get in as the world went on the line is longer thats why people live to be 99

  5. nothing really

  6. idk bcuz once ur happy and u hav some1 u love and u hav children u become afraid of death i think bcuz u dnt want 2 leave and not b able 2 c ppl around u grow and be happy and u dnt want others around u 2 die bcuz then u miss them and depending on who u lose sumtimes you dnt think u can go on in life. so i try not 2 care about much and if i die sleeping i die if i die bcuz i get shot then i die if i die in a car crash or airplane crash then i die i guess id miss ppl around me too much so i wanna die b4 evry1 i kno so i dnt hav 2 miss them i can jus simply wait 4 them but that wnt happen unless i commit suicide bcuz i dnt live newhere dangerous and jus most likely ill live to b 80 sumtin bcuz im perfectly healthy i exercise an eat healty so unless sumtin happens in a car crash or sumtin then ya im stuck here

  7. There is no real purpose.  I get up for my children, no other reason.

  8. "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,

    "The Path of the Higher Self" and "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi,

    "When Invisible Children Sing," Dr. Chi Cheng Huang,

    "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton,

    "In Heaven So on Earth," M. Scott Peck, M.D., and

    "Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D.

  9. The adventure of it . It's challenges to face and succeed .

  10. Because life in an ongoing challenge that present new rewards and possibilities around every corner.  The secret to a purpose in life to me is to do the next right thing, no matter if it's in our best interest or not.  The main point is that we do what's right.  Eventually it will lead us to a place of more serenity and understanding.  At that point you can look back and realize that you made a difference in someone or just in youself.  That's what make life worth while.

  11. Who says we know where we are going? I believe the question of what's next has been thought about since man could think. And so has your next question - what meaning in all this? Personally, I believe just about everyone's got it wrong. Most look at their individual lives and search for meaning, but I don't think you can find it there. I think we need to look for collective meaning, as a community and our part in it may seem of little consequence but it is important for the whole. What we choose - good or ill, is important and could have long term unknown effects for decades to come, maybe even forever. But it's nothing we will ever see as an individual.

  12. What makes life worth living is the single most important reason  that non living ( death) is not worth  too. Death or embracing death  is the easiest they say. They are  not right. Try taking your life away. It is impossible. it is hard. It  makes you feel lousy.

    If death  or non living is not an alternative then life or living is the only way out.Why not live it up?

    The feeling that your life is not worth living is due to the fact that you  attach no value for your life and you feel that the others , too, attach no value for your life. This is not so. Someone , .... somebody ... in your community , society , country , world would find you useful. A blind , a sick , an old friend  , a cancer patient .... they will all ask for help from you and you can . These will make you feel that life is worth living.

  13. simply put? love. Finding that one person that makes your heart skip a beat every time you see them. The person that makes you so happy you dont want to go a minute without them. That makes life worth it.

    Sappy i know :) but its true

  14. working at Wal-Mart and zig hieling my managers ..thats what life is all about

  15. Congratulations!  You are the 306,607,406,776th person to ask that question!  Real original!

  16. The chance to find the reasons you want to live life.

  17. knowing that everyday is an adventure yet to be experienced, never knowing what will happen tomorrow for all you know tomorrow is ur day

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