
What makes life worth living ?

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What makes life worth living ?




  1. I know it's cliche, but my kids and family.

  2. Something that has so much worth to you as a person that you can't put a value on it.

    Examples: Love, family, friends, work ect. AND GOD!

  3. funnel cake

  4. Searching for purpose and answers.

    There are so many questions that are unanswered, and so much that people do and don't know about.

    I admire people who educate people, especially those that aren't actually teachers.

  5. YOU!!!!!!!


  6. Life full of sacrifice and help. Service to deserving people. Self accomplishment and also socially very useful to the community. Not harming any body by thought, word or deed. Such a life is worth living.

  7. knowing that death is racing after you..

  8. Dark chocolate

  9. It depends on the individual. Everything is based on that individual's perception of the world around them. While one person says dark chocolate (which I am inclined to add to my list) another says love (which I also agree with). The answer is as varied as people's tastes in music and movies and art.

  10. waiting for the truth about ufo,s and the ancient monuments that where found on the moon by circling satellites in the 60,s..

  11. Life is not worth living in the individual sensory contest.It is full of suffering,  although the pain is tolerable due to constant change of pleasure and pain levels. The whole purpose of life which is right angle to the life path makes it worth living.Example A bee spends it's all life collecting honey and travelling to and from beehive. But the whole purpose of it's life is keeping the world alive by cross pollinating..

  12. The journey and experience, the possibility, the opportunity.  

  13. I just told you not too long ago... true love.

  14. love

  15. baked bread, family, photos, apples, books, fresh sheets, poppies, big sunglasses, laughter, closest of close friends, fat cats, peace, beaches, sundresses, lipstick, sundays, rain, frogs, red,  chocolate, shoes, cardigans, movies, homemade, new life, new love, new thrills......

    to me anyway :)

  16. What you make of life is what makes it worth living or not.  

    The fact that you've even asked this is the whole entire reason "they" concocted a bible.  Some people NEED a god to exist in their heads, so that they can cope with the constant knowledge that death is going to happen to them one day.

    But life is mysterious.  Are we here for a reason?  Even if you ask yourself all day everyday, the answer will never appear.  

  17. Happiness, all the great unforgettable moments...

  18. An important purpose. Without purpose, life becomes useless.

  19. Ecclesiastes 12:13 and Matthew 5:3.

  20. Love - something that has lacked in my life for almost four years, makes life not worth living.

  21. Hope.

    Without any hope, life can not be worth living!

  22. finding enjoyment and beauty in the very smallest things

  23. finding someone or something who means more to you than life

  24. My family :)  I have a great daughter to snuggle and laugh with...

  25. death

  26. 8- The possibility that things will get worse if you give up and the possibility that you might find a correct way to think that will give you a boost up. I found such a way and life is far better than before.

    I was successful and bitter and lonely and got positive and free by learning to find my real identity as a person with the potential for actual proof enlightenment.

  27. The mystery.

  28. s*x,  food, love and passion

  29. The will to find truth in relationships between people, places and things. The freedoms to find and embrace them and to share them with kindness and not greed. What we find will remain but we will not which makes letting go both difficult and a relief.

  30. Touching the lives of others in a positive way.

  31. the idea of death and unknown life is already scares ppl

    that's y they keep living and try to enjoy wat they have

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