
What makes manga/anime considered manga/anime?

by Guest62609  |  earlier

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What makes manga/anime different from other cartoon, drawing, styles, etc...

Is it just the style of eyes?




  1. A anime is basically a japanese made cartoon and much better artwork  

  2. Manga and anime just refers to graphic novels and animation from Japan.  (in the western sense anyway... In Japan, all animation is refered to as "anime", regardless of origin.  Likewise, "manga" is the Japanese word for comic or print cartoon.).  Not all anime has the classic "anime-style" eyes (look at a lot of the stuff from Studio Ghibli, like Kiki's Delivery Service and Princess Mononoke, for example)

  3. Manga/anime are comics/shows made in Japan.

  4. Well, manga has always been considered the japanese style comic book and Anime is just some japanese cartoon in its animated form. the two ,in its art form are very much the same, it just depends on what type of artist is doing it!  

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