
What makes me see spirits?

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well...not exactly spirits:P Ever since I was a kid, if I slept on my back something would happen, I would be startled awake by my sheets shaking and moving on their own, I can't move anything except for my eyes, and I'm not sure but I think I can move my head if only for a little. I can't talk, but I can make low to medium moaning sounds, or whispers, I've whispered "help me" a few times, and even once "a**hole". When this happens, sometimes there are blueish figures in my room, I assume that they are spirits, I called one an "a**hole" when it came close to me, I'm not sure why. This only happens when I sleep on my back, but I've been sleeping on my stomach for so long that I can no longer fall asleep on my back. I want to start sleeping on my back again because when I'm on my stomach my organs start to feel uncomfortable, so I need to find out why this happens so I can either stop it, or use it to my advantage.




  1. Maybe sleep paralysis.

  2. see the above question posted by Deenie - there could be a hint in there for you

  3. This is sleep paralysis/lucid dreaming.

  4. Hi, I can see food! I'm paranormal also

  5. First of all you must not sleep on your back. It is safest to sleep on your side so that the demon spirits cannot physically hold you down too easily. Next you need to pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. Also pray before going to sleep commanding the demons to leave you alone and your house alone in the name of Jesus Christ.

  6. Spirits use human energy to manifest themselves and often harvest this energy while people sleep because people are more vulnerable at this time. Do you ever experience other paranormal activity in your house while awake? Spirits strong enough to harvest your energy are bound to make them selves known in other obvious ways. If you answered "no", then chances are that it is just a medical condition. Go see a doctor or might try smoking some marijuana before bed.

  7. too long i didn't read it but if you're actually "seeing" spirits you should probably seek medical help .

  8. I can see TVs! I'm also paranormal

  9. Hiya,

    I've had the same thing from time to time since I can remember. Sleep paralysis or night terrors is what they are usually called. I've found that in my case they were related to a lack of quality sleep.

    As people, we need to have deep REM sleep and dream to function best. If your sleep is sometimes broken or you're staying up too late and getting up early it brings on these bad nights.

    When you go to bed you are kind of 'plunged' into a deep sleep but your brain isn't ready. Your body can't move and your brain begins to dream but you are still conscious. I've fought shadows, swore and shouted to wake up. I've been incredibly angry at shapes or figures that wish me no good. At the time it can be deeply frightening. I've woken soaking wet and fiercly hot. I've annoyed one ot two girlfiends too! Afterwards I usually go into a deep, dream filled sleep.

    To stop it, try and get a more regular sleeping pattern, stay away from coffee or tea at night. It's nothing weirder than human nature in action!

    Thank you Tal,

    It is strange that it always seems to be bad and I've wondered about it in the past. My conclusion is that it's the result of the situation. Being immobile whilst being aware is more likley to promote fear and anxiety which is then translated into the negative themes. I also think a lot of demon/succubus/incubus legends are directly derived from these experiences. I've had them for that long, I'm a vetran!

    Pink: I can't tell if that's tongue in cheek or not! I assure you however, they aren't demons. Every event is attributable to inner exhaustion through nights of poor quality sleep. They're no less terrifying but certainly more mundane!

  10. I don't know how you could use it to your advantage...

    Unfortunately, I can't answer your question, but I can tell you that the EXACT same thing happens to me when I sleep on my back.  I suffer hallucinations and paralysis, and it makes me feel panicky because I'm claustrophobic and I can't move.  I've seen things I thought were spirits (evil ones) and other weird s---.  And when I finally manage to bring myself out of it, my head is spinning really bad.  I've been trying to find out for years why that happens, but I still don't know.  I'm going to star your question, hopefully we'll both get an answer.

    For now, I just don't sleep on my back ever.


    The above poster gave a good description, but it seems that sleep paralysis only explains a small part of it.  I do agree though, that going directly into REM sleep is what's happening (or part of it).  I don't know why it's always "bad" spirits or shadowy figures that you see, and I can't explain the feeling of panic that comes with it.

  11. Anything is possible.

    However, I'm certain you're experiencing all of this in your head.  The mind is a wonderful thing. .

  12. Well if you have a ghost in your house, just shoo the ghost away with the name of Jesus Christ. You will feel comfortable.

  13. It sounds like you have a similar Psychic gift as me. I use to live in a haunted house. I couldn't go into the basement alone. even when I was with someone I felt like we weren't alone.

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