
What makes my African Violets have limp leaves. They are not overwatered, nor do I get water on the leaves.?

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I have been using the two piece watering pots....which I was told was the answer. They were supposed to use the water as needed. Same problem, so I started just watering under the leaves.




  1. African violets like a sandy loose soil and watered so that the water drains down through the soil and does not absorb back up. It sounds like that pot is really bad for your African violet. They are pretty hardy plants so if you repot it into the right soil and pot ( not too big of a pot , just 2-3 inches bigger that the base of the plant ) it should do ok. If the worst happens where you have lost most of the plant you can take a healthy mature leaf of the plant and plant that in a pot and it will make a new plant. Again don't over water it. They like moderate sun too in a well lit area. Good luck.

  2. I would say they are getting to hot  or to mush sun setting in direct sun in your window.  Change there location.

    Good Luck

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