
What makes our Government think they can run the oil companies when they can't run their own restaurant?

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What makes our Government think they can run the oil companies when they can't run their own restaurant?




  1. Because, unlike in private business, they feel no pain (no loss of job, no loss of $) if they s***w it up. And they don't have to provide profits or dividends in order to get new financing, they just forcibly take it from our pockets.

    The sad thing is that they know, but their voters don't, that all over the world, all the nationalized oil industries are terribly inefficient and wasteful.

  2. The Government thinks it can run the oil companies because the people of the US are asking them too. We want the right to freedom of business, but when someone acts in their own self interest, we want government intervention. I'm not advocating either more gov. control or less, but the fact is that as a people, we like to complain; cry when government is to controlling, then cry when government doesn't step in to control business.

  3. The gov't doesn't really want to run the oil companies.  They need the oil companies as a scapegoat for their (legislature / executive) incompetent energy policy.

  4. Our government is dumb and we the people need to take back our county. And NO Obama isn't the answer only part of the problem.

  5. Or their train. Or their retirement system, Or their schools, Or their budget. It would be wise to remove many of the unnecessary duties of the federal government and send them to the states. Feds can stick to protect and defend only.

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