
What makes people ignorant?

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I am interested in seeing what others think makes people ignorant. We've all dealt with it...the person standing in the very middle of the grocery aisle and won't move and look at his/her surrounds, the people who talk to loud on their cell phones, and my personal favorite, people who bring their babies to weddings or funeral. So lets look at the bigger it because these people don't know any better, ie- they were not taught proper manners or because they lack consideration of others? What do you think?




  1. Ignorance of something ,means you have not learned it.

         Stupidity ,is when you learn something but don't get it.

    I believe these people are just so self absorbed they don't care about how others feel .

         It's not ignorance or stupidity ... it's selfishness.

      Don't you know the world revolves around THEM?

  2. They think they are special & we all should take whatever c**p they are dishing out!  I know how you feel!

  3. I don't know.

  4. good question!

    I for one love the one while your driving and the person is driving 10 or so miles less than the speed limit and you try and go around them and then they speed up so you can't....... oooohh that's soooo get under my skin!


    people are ignorant because, they either don't know any better, don't care about what you think, they believe they are better than you, or they are just plan being their self IGNORANT!   '-)


  5. I think that is because that nobody told them while they were growing up that they should be considerate to others and should not do rude or indifferent things, so they never think about others.. they just think that whatever they like to do, or not do, is OK.

    So, bad upbringing, I would say.

  6. Ah, the age-old Nature vs Nurture debate. Do they get their ignorance / lack of manners from their genetic make-up? Or from their upbringing?

    I believe that the person's upbringing is the main reason. So in other words, the parents, together with the school / education system, are at fault. Other culprits: entertainment industry, and video games, turning people into zombies.

  7. Because they think that they are right and the whole world is wrong.

  8. I think it's a combination of people being very self-absorbed and people who, honestly, were never taught better.  I think it can also stem from the fact that a lot of people either do not want to find out that what they have been taught was incorrect, and therefore they would have to adjust or change their way.  And that, sometimes people are scared to open their mind to something new, b/c they honestly can't understand it.  So, their fear ends up leading to their ignorance.

  9. so basically its noy their fault!!!

  10. Why are you "sad today"?  Is it because of all the ignorant people around you?  I think most people are just clue-less.  Here's an idea...the next time you see a person being ignorant, go right up to them and tell them.  If you do this every day you will slowly start stamping out the problem.  I don't know how your boss will react to you facing him with his issues, but give it a try anyway!!  Good luck, you will need it.........

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