
What makes people presumptuous?

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Is presumptuousness a trait that is manifested as something else? I know being presumptuous is related to being arrogant, and I think arrogance is a sign of insecurity. Bottom line is, what causes someone to be presumptuous? Is it insecurity? Low self-confidence? What is it a sign of?




  1. It's a form of fear, afraid to go where they don't know what to do or say.  And that is a very bad thing for the welfare of society.  

  2. There are basically two kinds of people... those who live within the box, and those who live without. Those who live within the box are not self-thinkers... I''m sure there are plenty of presumptuous types here, along with all the others.  Those who think outside of the box,  are not  held back by such barriers. I hope this answers you question... at least to some degree.

  3. i think its agressiveness. its genetic/ Romantics are horny

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